Miracle Math Coaching
“Anyone that is starting a business that really wants to create a successful village for your business – it all starts with the SBDC. It’s one place where everything can come together.”

Over the last decade, the Solano-Napa SBDC has provided Deanna Hurn business training and one-on-advising as she has grown Miracle Math Coaching.
When Deanna Hurn opened Fairfield’s Miracle Math Coaching 12 years ago, she admitted that she did not know the first thing about running a business. She had a vision for Miracle Math Coaching: she wanted to develop a program inspired by brain-based learning and bring on other academic coaches. She reached out to the Solano-Napa SBDC and after connecting with an advisor, enrolled in Solano’s 11-week NxLevel program for entrepreneurs.
Game Plan
Through the NxLevel program, Deanna gained confidence and knowledge in operating a business. She developed and presented a comprehensive business plan for her academic coaching business. She also decided that the SBDC would always be a part of her business. As the COVID-19 pandemic hit and academic coaching transitioned online, Deanna regularly checked in with her advisor.
Deanna has since grown her business from an at-home entrepreneur to a company with 20 academic coaches and hundreds of students. In 2017, the Small Business Administration which provides federal funding to the SBDC, selected Deanna for their Emerging Leaders USA program. In 2020 she received a $12,900 Rebuild Solano’s Small Businesses Grant that went towards supporting the transition to online coaching.
Miracle Math Coaching has maintained its level of service to their clients, which includes many children in the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District, through online coaching and socially distanced in-person sessions.