La Contabilidad de su pequeño Negocio
Event Details
Organización de sus gastos e ingresos, la contabilidad y sus declaraciones, son la llave para poder operar un exitoso negocio!
Buenas prácticas de contabilidad le permitirán desarrollar buenos estados financieros. Los bancos utilizan estas declaraciones para determinar si usted ese legible para un prestamo.
En este taller aprenderás acerca de las buenas prácticas de contabilidad y la importancia de la utilización de sus datos financieros para evaluar las condiciones de Su Negocio.
Taught by Mariana Almaraz, SBDC Business Advisor
Mariana Almaraz was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico. In 1997 she graduated from the University of Guadalajara with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. In the same year, she came to the U.S to study English, Math and QuickBooks.
From 2009 to 2015, Mariana worked in the management department of a large company, and, in 2015, she decided to open her own business. Mariana is also a NxLeveL graduate. In 2016, Mariana joined the Napa-Sonoma SBDC to work with the Hispanic business community and share her passion for entrepreneurship. She teaches classes in Spanish.