Priority Management: Planning 2022 for Success
Event Details
Get ready to make your business grow — or launch — with this 2022 priority planning.
In this workshop, you will:
• Get strategic about deciding what you’re going to prioritize in the year ahead.
• Learn how to establish goals and habits that will help you stay focused on achieving those goals.
In a world full of distractions and a feeling that you have to do and know everything, staying focused on the MOST important things can be challenging. But being good at priority management is one of the most important things you can do to maximize the success of your business.
This webinar will be taught by Tim Murrill, Solano-Napa SBDC Director.
Tim has spent the last 5 years creating programs to support small businesses and is currently most passionate about the work his team is doing to help our small businesses survive and thrive during the challenges that COVID has brought.
As a former Director of Global Sales for FedEx and former business owner, Tim has developed a unique perspective when it comes to the challenges associated with running a successful small business. Influenced by his years at FedEx and forming, growing and selling a company of his own, he aspires to do everything possible to help small businesses owners take their business to the next level.