Resource Library
Helpful Links and Tools for Startups
Starting Your Small Business
Checklist for Starting a Business in Solano – Not sure where to start? Download and print this guide to starting a business in Solano County.
Solano Licensing and Regulatory Contacts – Contact information for agencies for your licensing and regulatory needs.
IRS Publication 583: Starting a Business and Keeping Records – This publication provides basic federal tax information for people who are starting a business. It also provides information on keeping records and illustrates a recordkeeping system.
Business Planning
Business Plan Template [PDF] [WORD]
Marketing Plan Outline [PDF] [WORD]
Financial Template [EXCEL] [PDF]
An online tool from the SBA to help you build your business plan. [LINK]
Lean Canvas: Capture your business model in a portable 1-page diagram. The Lean Canvas is the perfect format for brainstorming possible business models, prioritizing where to start, and outlining your business concept.
Financing & Capital Resources
Your First Steps Toward Financing – Establishing relationships with creditors and lenders prior to seeking funding is key to successful financing. The more they know and understand you as a person, the more they will trust you. When it comes to money, nothing is more important than trust.
Growing your business: Understanding credit to achieve business success – “Visa recognizes the vital role small business owners play in the economy, and we’ve created this workbook to help you achieve business success. You’ll find helpful information about credit: the basics, benefits and uses, as well as how to build good credit or repair bad credit.”
Cómo hacer crecer su negocio: Entendiendo el crédito para tener éxito en los negocios – “Visa reconoce lo importantes que son los dueños de las pequeñas empresas para la economía, y ha creado este cuaderno de trabajo para ayudarlo a tener éxito en sus negocios. Encontrará información útil sobre el crédito: los elementos básicos, los beneficios y usos, y cómo tener un buen perfil crediticio y mejorar el malo.”