Harmony Across Generations: Inclusivity in the Workplace

Jun 20 10:00 am — 11:00 am

Event Details

From Black & White TV to ChaptGPT…

Did you know we currently have 5 generations in the workplace?

Work, communication and preferences are all influenced by the a person’s generation.

Each generation in your company has a difference in the way they work, think and how they perform their work. These differences can lead to difficulties and conflicts within your work teams. It can also be an opportunity to build a better team that uses the strengths of each generation to that bring the best out of each person.

This training from the Workforce Development Board of Solano County, Solano-Napa SBDC and California Employers Association will help you bridge the generation gap! Topics include:

  • What are the generations in the workplace
  • Identify each generations work style
  • How to avoid workplace misunderstanding & conflicts between generations
  • Develop strategies to overcome gap issues
  • Identify recruiting & retention strategies that work for each generation

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